Sunday, 09 February 2025


Comparative analysis of candidate mid-term GHG measures

Comparative analysis of candidate mid-term GHG measures

An Expert Workshop on a "comparative analysis of candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures" to further support IMO’s considerations of candidate measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions took place at IMO Headquarters in London on 25 and 26 May.

Included were the feasibility, effectiveness to deliver the long-term levels of ambition of the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and the potential impacts on Member States. 
An Expert Workshop on a "comparative analysis of candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures" to further support IMO’s considerations of candidate measures to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions took place at IMO Headquarters in London on 25 and 26 May. It included technical and economic elements of the proposed candidate mid-term GHG measures and, in particular, their feasibility, their effectiveness to deliver the long-term levels of ambition of the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy and their potential impacts on Member States. 
The transition to alternative fuels and technologies is one of the greatest challenges in the shipping sector. The adoption of a global regulatory framework to reduce GHG emissions with GHG reduction measures set for the short-, mid- and long-term would contribute to achieving a green energy transition of the sector. 
IMO’s Marine Environment Committee (MEPC) is due to adopt a revised GHG Strategy at its 80th session in July 2023. A summary of the comments and observations made during the Expert Workshop will be submitted to MEPC 80.  
In March 2022, an IMO GHG working group requested the Secretariat to organize a dedicated ad-hoc expert workshop on candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures ahead of MEPC’s 80th session (3-7 July 2023). Current proposals on the table include technical (eg fuel GHG intensity standard) and economic measures (eg carbon pricing in the form of a fuel GHG levy, reward, feebate or flat rate contribution). 
In addition, the Secretariat was requested to liaise with UNCTAD, and other relevant organizations, as appropriate, and invite them to submit and present their views on the technical and economic elements, and their possible combinations, of the proposals for candidate mid-term. 
The comparative analysis will facilitate further deliberations by the Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 15) and MEPC 80 on identifying (a) candidate measure(s) to develop further as a priority under Phase III of the Organization’s work plan, as well as the scope and process of a comprehensive impact assessment. 
The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange information between proponents of GHG reduction measures and experts to facilitate the identification of possible technical and economic elements as well as other commonalities in the proposed measures, which may serve as building blocks for the basket of candidate mid-term measures. 
The workshop’s programme included sessions on: 
• Proposals for candidate mid-term GHG reduction measures and their possible combinations 
• Insights from the UNCTAD Secretariat 
• Preliminary comparative analysis of technical elements of the proposals 
• Preliminary comparative analysis of economic elements of the proposals 
• Expert discussions to facilitate the identification of possible technical and economic 
• elements and other commonalities which may serve as building blocks for the basket of candidate mid-term measures 
It was attended by more than 380 participants from Member States and international organizations, and was moderated by the Chair of MEPC, Dr. Harry Conway (Liberia).  

Photo source: IMO


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